31 Mart 2010 Çarşamba


Galerist opened the new exhibition ‘Subject: Free of Leyla Gediz, known as one of the most outstanding and mischievous names in contemporary art for her infinity in production and makings choice, consisting recent Works in a wide makings range as oil on canvas paintings, epoxy sculptures, sound installations and ready made objects.

In the exhibition, the name of which is taken from the homework of the artist in primary school years, we come across with the hopeful, imaginative and humorous answers of a mischievous child, swore off the rules and unwilling to become tame, found to the beginning question of the artist that if we could create a free area between the humans’ restrictions brought to humans.

When you get into the gallery, you will feel like a child realizing how the world is big and the objects are playable for the first time. While strolling around the exhibition consisting the new relationships between form and meaning found thanks to imagination freedom unique to children, in order to narrow your imagination you have to look at the text about the works, given at the entrance with not taking the sincerity of imagination and being gratified by it, hidden in the text into consideration, or just savour the infinite freedom of strolling again and again.

Dead objects begin to talk in this exhibition, possible to evaluate in still life tradition. Two installations called ‘One of the Socks I and II’ interrogates our innocence through these dirty and huge objects carried to place, where ‘To a Hair’ shows the incognizance about our externalization of malignancy belongs to human nature while we want to flow these to out-of-doors as far as possible.

We feel the necessity to control the glue behind the happiness we try to attach above the fanciful masks, fabricated meanings and saved areas of our world inclined to rupture, full with fraudulent slogans, taught targets and trickery by the Works named as, ‘English Lesson’, Circle of Friends’, ‘The Good Student’, ‘The Performance’, ‘Homemade Posters’, ‘Yes’ and ‘Autopsy’, after out placing the compunction seen in ‘Death of an Acrobat’ , create self styled hope fields for ourselves such a child handling a glue with the artist by the Works named as ‘Subject: Free, ‘Star Trek Series, ‘Rainbow’, ‘Info graphics’, ‘ Relapse’, ‘Red Pareo’ and ‘Heart’

The artist calls the gallery as ‘noa noa’ , a Tahitian idiom, both defines her problematic through referring to Paul Gauguin’s residence in this country to move away from degenerated values, privities and the humans’ restrictions brought to humans and highlights the importance of form and makings multiplicity in arts and criticize the academic dogmas and fashions through the literal meaning of the word that is the beauty of the smell risen from nature under the sun. the exhibition, getting the form talkative with hope and imagination, invites the audience to discover its narcissist childhood and a depiction of ‘noa noa’, comprehensible only with art as regards irrelevant objects in a restricted place.

You can see artist’s Works in Galerist / Galatasaray until 20th of February before the exhibition ‘A Dream...but not Yours’ that will arranged in National Museum of Women in the Arts (Washington D.C.) at 12th of February, displays 11 important women artists’ works, consisting Leyla Gediz.

Alper Karabatak
29 January 2010

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